如何向 Wish 提供责任人以遵守即将实施的欧盟产品合规法规(2021年7月生效)?
为了确保符合商户政策13 - 其他合规规定和即将实施的欧盟产品合规法规《欧盟市场监管法规 (EU) 2019/1020》, 将要求向欧盟及北爱尔兰(统称为“欧盟市场”)销售适用产品的商户向 Wish 提供指定责任人的详细信息。请注意,欧盟本土商户目前不需要向 Wish 提供责任人详细信息。
向欧盟市场销售适用产品的商户若未在2021年7月9日之前向 Wish 提供责任人,将被处以商户政策13 - 其他合规规定中规定的赔款,包括屏蔽适用产品在欧盟市场的曝光。此外,若商户未为适用产品指定欧盟市场责任人,则自2021年7月16日起,可能还会面临欧盟或北爱尔兰监管机构的处罚。
请注意,如果您的适用产品目前没有指定的欧盟市场责任人,您可以推荐的下列产品合规合作伙伴,他们可以提供欧盟授权代表服务。欧盟授权代表是设立在欧盟市场内、由品牌方或制造商以书面形式任命并明确规定职责的任何自然人或法人实体。Wish 商户若通过下面的链接完成注册,可享受服务折扣:
Product IP:https://secure.productip.com/registration?code=wish2021
Clever Representative: https://app.cleverrepresentative.eu/referral/wish
如何向 Wish 提供责任人?
商户可以通过商户平台或 Merchant Plus 平台的相关页面和 API 来查看需要指定欧盟市场责任人的适用产品,并将责任人关联到适用产品。该页面仅起到协助作用,可能无法列出所有适用的欧盟市场路向产品,因此商户对确定适用的欧盟市场路向产品并为其指定责任人负有最终责任。有关通过商户平台/Merchant Plus 或 API 提供责任人的具体步骤,请参见下文。
如上文所述,欧盟本土商户目前不需要向 Wish 提供责任人详细信息,也无法访问商户平台或 Merchant Plus 的相关页面。
通过商户平台(或 Merchant Plus 平台):
1. 在商户平台主页上的“待办项”部分,您会看到一个标题为“欧盟产品合规”的任务。点击“继续”继续操作。您也可以前往产品 > 欧盟产品合规页面继续操作。
*** 在 Merchant Plus 平台上:
拥有 Merchant Plus 访问权限的商户可直接通过 http://merchant.wish.com/product/responsible-person 访问此页面。
2. 此时页面将打开“责任人声明”窗口。请仔细阅读其中的内容,然后点击“同意并继续”。
3. 此时将进入“欧盟产品合规”页面。在“责任人”部分,点击“添加新责任人”,以添加责任人的详细信息。
4. 在下一个窗口中,准确填写所有责任人信息。点击“提交”继续。
5. 添加后,“待审核的责任人”数量将会同步更新。您提交的责任人现在正在等待 Wish 审核,最多可能需要48小时才能完成。审核完成后,您会看到“已完成的责任人”或“已拒绝的责任人”数量同步更新。
您可以点击“查看所有责任人”展开表格,查看已完成、已拒绝或待审核的责任人。点击您选择的责任人对应的“操作”列中的铅笔图标,即可编辑责任人的详细信息。请注意,若对现有责任人进行任何编辑,Wish 都将重新审核。
6. 现在您已经添加责任人,请查看下面的“相关产品”部分。在这里,我们对您欧盟路向的“电子产品”、“玩具”和“个人防护设备”类产品进行了预筛选,便于您将责任人关联到对应的产品。请在此处确定您需要关联责任人的产品。
7. 要关联责任人和产品,请点击产品对应的“欧盟责任人”列中的下拉菜单。选择适用的责任人并将他们关联到产品。您还可以使用左侧的复选框标记多个产品,然后使用下面所示的下拉菜单,将它们全部关联到同一个责任人。
通过 API:
在使用下面的 API 端口提供责任人之前,您必须通过商户平台/Merchant Plus 平台同意责任人声明。要执行此操作,请前往产品 > 欧盟产品合规。系统将打开“责任人声明”窗口。请仔细阅读其中的内容,然后点击“同意并继续”。
然后即可使用以下 API 端口执行创建责任人、关联责任人和产品等操作:
PUT /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/products
POST /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/products/bulk_update
GET /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/products/bulk_update/{job_id}
GET /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/responsible_person
PUT /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/responsible_person
DELETE /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/responsible_person/{id}
GET /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/responsible_person/{id}
PUT /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/responsible_person/{id}
如需了解更多信息,请点击此处,参阅有关“欧盟市场产品合规”的商户 API 文档。
How do I provide my Responsible Person(s) to Wish to comply with the upcoming EU product compliance regulation (effective July 2021)?
This FAQ was created for informational purposes only, and does not, nor is intended to, constitute or be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. Should you require assistance or have any questions concerning these regulations, your independent obligations/duties, or related to the subject matter or information in this FAQ, please reach out to EU legal counsel.
To ensure compliance with Merchant Policy 13 - Other Regulatory Compliance and the upcoming new European Union (EU) product compliance regulation, Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020, Wish will require merchants selling applicable products to the European Union and Northern Ireland (EU Market) to provide the details of their appointed Responsible Person(s) to Wish. Please note that EU domiciled merchants are currently NOT required to provide details of their Responsible Person(s) to Wish.
Merchants selling applicable EU Market-bound products who fail to provide a Responsible Person to Wish by July 9, 2021 will be subject to penalties outlined in Merchant Policy 13 - Other Regulatory Compliance, including applicable products being impression blocked in the EU Market. Additionally, you may face penalties imposed by the EU or Northern Ireland regulatory authorities if you do not have an EU Market-based Responsible Person for applicable EU Market-bound products starting July 16, 2021.
For more details on Responsible Persons and the upcoming new EU product regulation, please see this guide.
Please note that if you do not already have an EU Market-based Responsible Person for your applicable products, you may utilize one of our preferred product compliance partners providing EU Authorized Representative services, listed below. An EU Authorized Representative is any natural or legal entity that is established in the EU who is appointed (in writing, with responsibilities written out) as the Responsible Person by the brand or manufacturer. Wish merchants will receive a discount on services from our preferred partners by signing up through the below provided links:
Product IP: https://secure.productip.com/registration?code=wish2021
Clever Representative: https://app.cleverrepresentative.eu/referral/wish
Merchants should be aware that if they are not the brand owner, importer, or physical product manufacturer of their applicable EU Market-bound products, they may require written authorization from the manufacturer, or the merchants’ own suppliers, before proceeding with appointing an EU Authorized Representative. Please check with either of our preferred partners before reaching out to the product manufacturer or suppliers, and for any other questions regarding the status of the preferred partners acting as an Authorized Representative for your product categories.
How do I provide my Responsible Person(s) to Wish?
Merchants can view various EU Market-bound products that may require Responsible Persons via our informational Merchant Dashboard or Merchant Plus page and API, and may link their Responsible Persons to applicable products. Though this page may provide some assistance, it may not list every applicable EU-bound product and merchants will ultimately be responsible for identifying applicable EU-bound products and appointing a Responsible Person as required to comply with the upcoming new regulations. Please see below for how to provide your Responsible Persons via Merchant Dashboard/Merchant Plus or API.
As noted above, EU domiciled merchants are currently NOT required to provide details of their Responsible Person(s) to Wish, and they do not have access to our informational Merchant Dashboard or Merchant Plus page.
Via Merchant Dashboard (including note on Merchant Plus):
1. Under the “Things to do” section on the Merchant Dashboard homepage, you will see an item titled “EU Product Compliance”. Click “Continue” to proceed. Alternatively, you may navigate to Products > EU Product Compliance.
*** NOTE on Merchant Plus dashboard:
Merchants with access to Merchant Plus may directly access this page via http://merchant.wish.com/product/responsible-person.
2. This will open a window containing the Responsible Person Declaration. Please carefully review this, and click “Agree and continue” to proceed.
3. You will land on the “EU Product Compliance” home page. Under the “Responsible Persons” section, click “Add new Responsible Person” to add details of your chosen Responsible Person(s).
If you previously clicked “Cancel” on the Responsible Person Declaration, you will be prompted again with the Responsible Person Declaration when attempting to add a Responsible Person here. You will not be able to add a Responsible Person here until completing this agreement.
4. In the next window, fill out all fields with accurate information for your chosen Responsible Person. Click “Submit” to proceed.
5. You will see the “Responsible Persons pending review” quantity updated to reflect your addition. Your submitted Responsible Person is now pending review from Wish. Review of your submission may take up to 48 hours to complete. Once reviewed, you will see your “Completed Responsible Persons” or “Rejected Responsible Persons” quantity updated accordingly.
You can click “View all Responsible Persons” to expand a table containing your submissions that are Completed, Rejected, or still Pending Review. Clicking the pencil icon under the “Action” column in the row of your chosen Responsible Person will allow you to edit their information. Please note that any edits to existing Responsible Person(s) will re-initiate the review process from .
6. Now that you have added your Responsible Person(s), see the “Relevant Products” section below. Here, we have pre-filtered your products with shipping enabled to European Union countries falling under the Electronics, Toys and Personal Protective Equipment categories for you to link your Responsible Person(s) to. Identify the products here that you have an obligation to link your Responsible Person(s) to.
Please note that you may have EU Market-bound products falling under other categories (that are not pre-filtered here) that you may be obligated to link your Responsible Person(s) to. Click the Filter button above the table, and select “Show all other categories” to show all of your products (across any product category) with shipping enabled to EU Market countries. You may identify applicable products here that you are obligated to link your Responsible Person(s) to.
7. To link a Responsible Person to a product, click the dropdown under the “EU Responsible Person” column in the row of the product. Select your applicable Responsible Person to link them to the product. You can also use the checkbox on the left to mark multiple products and link them all to a Responsible Person using the dropdown as seen below.
Via API:
Before you can utilize the below API endpoints to provide a Responsible Person via API, you must complete the Responsible Person Declaration via the Merchant Dashboard/Merchant Plus. To do so, navigate to Products > EU Product Compliance. This will open a window containing the Responsible Person Declaration. Please carefully review this, and click “Agree and continue” to proceed.
Merchants may then use the following API endpoints to create Responsible Persons, link these Responsible Persons to applicable products, and more:
PUT /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/products
POST /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/products/bulk_update
GET /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/products/bulk_update/{job_id}
GET /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/responsible_person
PUT /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/responsible_person
DELETE /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/responsible_person/{id}
GET /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/responsible_person/{id}
PUT /api/v3/eu_product_compliance/responsible_person/{id}For more details, please see our Merchant API documentation page for EU Market Product Compliance here.