如果您的公司位于有 Shopify 实体公司的加拿大辖区或美国辖区,那么根据法律要求,Shopify 会对您的订阅收取相应税费。Shopify 仅在您所在辖区的税务机关要求时收取税费。这些税费与您的 Shopify 订阅相关,并且不会受到您销售的产品或服务的影响。
如果您的公司位于有 Shopify 实体公司的加拿大辖区或美国辖区,那么根据法律要求,Shopify 会对您的订阅收取相应税费。Shopify 仅在您所在辖区的税务机关要求时收取税费。这些税费与您的 Shopify 订阅相关,并且不会受到您销售的产品或服务的影响。
Shopify 是一家在加拿大经营的加拿大公司,需要在美国以下州及地区收取销售税。
如果您的商店位于加拿大或任何列出的州或地区,则您的订阅需要支付适用的税费(HST/PST/GST 或州/县/市政税)。如果您的商店位于加拿大境外或 Shopify 具有收税要求的州和地区之外,则您的订阅费无需纳税。
如果您居住的地区需要 Shopify 收取任何账户费用的税费,则这些费用会显示在您的 Shopify 发票中。
如果您的商店位于印度,则从 2021 年 12 月 15 日起,您需要针对 Shopify 费用支付商品和服务税 (GST)。此费用反映在您的月度 Shopify 账单中。若要免除 GST,您需要提供 GST 标识号 (GSTIN)。
在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 账单。
在税务登记部分中,点击添加 GSTIN。
输入您的 GSTIN,然后点击添加 GSTIN。
如果您的商店位于新加坡,则从 2019 年 12 月开始,您需要针对 Shopify 费用支付商品和服务税 (GST)。此费用反映在您的月度 Shopify 账单中。目前,您无法通过提供 GST 编号来享受免税。
如果您的商店位于马来西亚,则从 2021 年 10 月开始,您需要针对 Shopify 费用支付销售和服务税 (SST)。此费用反映在您的月度 Shopify 账单中。目前,您无法通过提供 SST 编号来获得免税。
如果您的商店在欧洲境内,则您需要提供增值税 (VAT) 号或表明您没有该编号。
- 美国:在 Shopify 中,转到财务 > 账单。
- 所有其他国家:在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 账单。
- 如果您有增值税号,请点击添加增值税号,在提供的空格中输入增值税号,然后点击保存。 - 如果您没有增值税号,请点击我没有增值税号,然后点击确认。增值税号显示为N/A。
Shopify 通过增值税信息交换系统 (VIES) 验证您的增值税号,并在验证完成后将其状态从 pending
更改为 verified
如果您的商店位于爱尔兰,则会向您收取相关 Shopify 费用 23% 的增值税。此费用记在 2019 年 6 月 1 日之后的每月账单中。
如果您的商店位于瑞士,则相关机构会针对您的相关 Shopify 费用向您收取 7.7% 的增值税。此费用记在 2021 年 8 月 1 日之后的每月账单中。
如果您的商店位于智利,则从 2022 年 1 月 4 日起,您需要支付 19% 的 VAT。如果您有 RUT (Rol Único Tributario),您的 Shopify 账单可能会免除 VAT 费用。您需要在 Shopify 后台中输入有效的 RUT,并证明您为 VAT 人。
在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 账单。
在税务登记部分中,点击添加 RUT。
在 RUT 框中,输入您的 RUT。
勾选我证实我在智利是 VAT 纳税人。
点击添加 RUT。
如果您的商店位于南非,则您需要缴纳 15% 的增值税 (VAT)。您可以选择提供增值税号或表明您没有增值税号。
- 美国:在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > 账单。
- 所有其他国家:在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 账单。
- 如果您有增值税号,请点击添加增值税号,在提供的空格中输入增值税号,然后点击添加增值税号。 - 如果您没有增值税号,请点击我没有增值税号,然后点击确认。
如果您的商店位于澳大利亚,则会向您的 Shopify 订阅和任何 Shopify Shipping 标签收取税率为 10% 的澳大利亚商品和服务税 (GST)。但是,如果您注册澳大利亚 GST 并将您的澳大利亚业务注册号码 (ABN) 添加到 Shopify 商店,Shofy 不会向您收取 GST。
ABN 是澳大利亚政府用于识别您的企业的 11 位数字。如果您已登记澳大利亚 GST,请添加您的 ABN 以获得 GST 免税资格。将您的 ABN 添加到 Shopify 商店和登记澳大利亚 GST 都是对 Shopify 订阅获得 GST 免税资格的必要条件。
- 美国:在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > 账单。
- 所有其他国家:在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 账单。
在税务登记部分,点击是,我已登记 GST。
输入您的 ABN,然后点击添加 ABN。
如果您的商店位于新西兰,则自 2020 年 7 月 1 日起,Shopify 会向您的 Shopify 账单收取 15% 的商品和服务税 (GST)。但是,如果您注册了新西兰 GST 并将您的国内税务局 (IRD) 编号添加到您的 Shopify 商店,则 Shopify 不会针对您的付款收取 GST。
您的 IRD 由 8 或 9 位数字组成,新西兰政府将其用于标识您业务。如果您登记了新西兰 GST,请添加您的 IRD 编号,这样才能满足 GST 免税条件。
您可以在 2020 年 7 月 1 日之前添加您的 IRD 编号,以便为这种变更做好准备。将您的 IRD 编号添加到 Shopify 商店并登记新西兰 GST,均为在 Shopify 订阅中获得 GST 免税需具备的必要条件。
- 美国:在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > 账单。
- 所有其他国家:在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 账单。
在税务登记部分,点击是,我已登记 GST。
输入您的 IRD 编号,然后点击添加 IRD。
如果您的商店位于土耳其,则从 2021 年 8 月 1 日起,Shopify 需要向您的 Shopify 账单中添加 VAT。但是,如果您提供 10 位数的税务标识号 (Vergi Numarasi),您的 Shopify 账单中可能会免除 VAT。
将税务标识号添加到 Shopify 商店是针对 Shopify 订阅获得 VAT 免税资格的必要条件。
- 美国:在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > 账单。
- 所有其他国家:在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 账单。
在登记部分,点击是,我已登记 VAT。
If your business is located in a Canadian or American jurisdiction where Shopify has a business presence, then Shopify is required by law to charge applicable taxes on your subscription. Shopify charges taxes only where required to do so by the tax authorities of your jurisdiction. These taxes are related to your Shopify subscription and are not influenced by the products or services you sell.
Shopify is a Canadian company operating in Canada with a sales tax collection requirement in the following US states and districts.
If your store is located in Canada or in any of the listed states or districts, then your subscription might be charged applicable taxes (HST/PST/GST or State/County/Municipal). If your store is located outside of Canada or the states and districts where Shopify has a tax collection requirement, then taxes should not not applied to your subscription charge.
The taxes appear on a separate line in your bill.
Taxes on account charges
If you live in a region where Shopify is required to charge taxes on any of your account charges, these charges appear in your Shopify invoice.
GST charged in India
If your store is located in India, then as of December 15, 2021, you are charged the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on your Shopify fees. This charge is reflected on your monthly Shopify bills. To be exempted from GST, you need to provide your GST Identification Number (GSTIN).
From your Shopify admin, go to Setting > Billing.
In the Tax registration section, click Add GSTIN.
Enter your GSTIN, and then click Add GSTIN.
GST charged in Singapore
If your store is located in Singapore, then as of December 2019, you are charged the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on your Shopify fees. This charge is reflected on your monthly Shopify bills. At this time, you can't provide your GST number to be tax exempt.
SST charged in Malaysia
If your store is located in Malaysia, then as of October 2021, you are charged the Sales and Service Tax (SST) on your Shopify fees. This charge is reflected on your monthly Shopify bills. At this time, you can't provide your SST number to be tax exempt.
VAT number for stores in Europe
If your store is located in Europe, then you need to either provide a Value-Added Tax (VAT) number or indicate that you don't have one.
Navigate to your Billing page:
United States: From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Billing.
All other countries: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Billing.
In the VAT number section, provide your VAT information:
If you have a VAT number, then click Add VAT number, enter it in the space provided, and click Save.
If you don't have a VAT number, then click I don't have a VAT number, and click Confirm. The VAT number is displayed as N/A.
Click Save.
verifies your VAT number through VAT Information Exchange System (VIES), and changes its status from
once the verification is complete.VAT charged in Ireland
If your store is located in Ireland, then you're charged 23% VAT on your relevant Shopify fees. This charge is reflected in all your monthly bills after June 1, 2019.
VAT charged in Switzerland
If your store is located in Switzerland, then you're charged 7.7% VAT on your relevant Shopify fees. This charge is reflected in all of your monthly bills after August 1, 2021.
VAT charged for stores in Chile
If your store is located in Chile, then as of January 4, 2022, you're charged 19% VAT. If you have an RUT (Rol Único Tributario), then your Shopify bill might be exempt from VAT charges. You need to enter a valid RUT into your Shopify admin and certify that you're a VAT taxpayer.
From your Shopify admin, go to Setting > Billing.
In the Tax registration section, click Add RUT.
In the RUT box, enter your RUT.
Check I certify that I am a VAT taxpayer in Chile.
Click Add RUT.
VAT number for stores in South Africa
If your store is located in South Africa, then you're charged 15% Value-Added Tax (VAT). You can choose to either provide a VAT number or indicate that you don't have one.
Navigate to your Billing page:
United States: From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Billing.
All other countries: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Billing.
In the Tax registration section, provide your VAT information:
If you have a VAT number, then click Add VAT number, enter it in the space provided, and click Add VAT number.
If you don't have a VAT number, then click I don't have a VAT number, and click Confirm.
If your store is based in Australia, then Australian goods and services tax (GST) applies to your Shopify subscription and any Shopify Shipping labels at a rate of 10%. However, Shopify does not collect GST on your payments if you register for Australian GST and add your Australian Business Number (ABN) to your Shopify store.
Your ABN is an 11 digit number used by the Australian government to identify your business. If you're registered for Australian GST, then add your ABN to qualify for a GST exemption. Adding your ABN to your Shopify store and registering for Australian GST are both necessary to qualify for GST exemption on your Shopify subscription.
Navigate to your Billing page:
United States: From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Billing.
All other countries: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Billing.
In the Tax registration section, click Yes, I'm GST registered.
Enter your ABN, and then click Add ABN.
New Zealand GST exemption on Shopify subscriptions
If your store is based in New Zealand, then as of July 1, 2020, Shopify charges a 15% goods and services tax (GST) to your Shopify bill. However, if you register for New Zealand GST and add your Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number to your Shopify store, then Shopify doesn't collect GST on your payments.
Your IRD is an 8 or 9 digit number used by the New Zealand government to identify your business. If you're registered for New Zealand GST, then add your IRD number to qualify for GST exemption.
You can add your IRD number before July 1, 2020 to prepare your business for the change. Adding your IRD number to your Shopify store and registering for New Zealand GST are both necessary to qualify for GST exemption on your Shopify subscription.
Navigate to your Billing page:
United States: From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Billing.
All other countries: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Billing.
In the Tax registration section, click Yes, I'm GST registered.
Enter your IRD number, and then click Add IRD.
Turkish VAT exemption on Shopify subscriptions
If your store is based in Turkey, then as of August 1, 2021, Shopify is required to add VAT to your Shopify bill. However, your Shopify bills may be exempt from VAT if you provide a 10-digit Tax Identification Number (Vergi Numarasi).
Adding your Tax Identification Number to your Shopify store is necessary to qualify for VAT exemption on your Shopify subscription.
Navigate to your Billing page:
United States: From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Billing.
All other countries: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Billing.
In the Tax registration section, click Yes, I'm VAT registered.
Enter your Tax Identification Number, and then click Add Tax Identification Number.