备注:Shopify Capital 贷款目前仅限于位于美国境内选定州的 Shopify 商店。
备注:Shopify Capital 贷款目前仅限于位于美国境内选定州的 Shopify 商店。
Shopify Capital 商家现金垫款面向加拿大和英国的选定商家。
Shopify Capital 贷款是您从 Shopify Capital 收到的一次性付款(称为贷款金额),以固定借贷成本作为回报。贷款金额加上固定借贷成本称为欠款总额。贷款金额将存入您的商业银行账户,然后,您的每日销售额的一部分将用于偿还 Shopify Capital,直到 12 个月期限结束时偿还欠款总额。
贷款的 12 个月期限分为 6 个 60 天的还款周期,称为还款阶段。每个还款阶段都有最低还款金额,必须在 60 天的还款周期截止之前偿还。如果未偿还某还款阶段的最低还款金额,则您支付的金额与该期限内最低还款金额之间的差额将从您的账户中扣除。
例如,Shopify Capital 可能会向您提供 5,000 美元的贷款,借款成本为 650 美元,偿还率为 10%。收到的 5,000 美元将汇入您的业务银行账户,并且 Shopify Capital 会收取您每日销售收入的 10%,直到在 12 个月期限结束时偿还了总欠额 5,650 美元为止。贷款的 6 个 60 天还款阶段每次的最低偿还金额为 941 美元(占总欠款的 1/6)。如果您已达到了第一个 60 天还款阶段,并且仅通过每日还款偿还了 800 美元,剩余的 141 美元则将从您的账户中扣除。
Shopify Capital 提供的贷款金额在 200 美元至 200 万美元之间。欠款总额和每日还款费率取决于您的风险状况。
您可以直接从 Shopify 后台的资本页面查看您的资金选项并申请贷款。
在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 资本。
在 Shopify Capital 中查找资格消息,然后点击查看资金供应。
每个选项的条款将包括收到的金额、总欠款,以及将从您的每日销售额中扣除并偿还给 Shopify Capital 的每日偿还率。
在查看并接受条款对话框中,仔细查看条款和条件部分,然后点击 Shopify Capital 协议,在另一个选项卡中打开它。
请仔细查看 Shopify Capital 协议的条款。如果您同意这些条款,请返回 Review and accept terms(查看并接受条款)对话框,然后单击接受条款。
Shopify Capital 将审核您的申请,您将在 2-5 个工作日内获悉是否获得批准。如果获得批准,贷款将汇入您的商业银行账户。
备注:如果您在请求资金时将您的支付服务提供商换为 Shopify Payments,则可能需要超过 5 个工作日的时间才能批准您的请求。
收到贷款两天后,Shopify Capital 将开始根据您的每日销售收入从您的商业银行账户中扣除每日还款金额。
收到您的贷款后,您可以在 Shopify 后台的资金页面中的 Shopify Capital 下跟踪您总欠款的未缴余额。
在报表的转账历史记录部分,总销售额列显示每日销售收入,金额列显示向 Shopify Capital 偿还的收入金额。
Shopify Capital loan
ntage of your daily sales is repaid to Shopify Ctal until the total owed is repaid at the end of the 12-month term.The loan's 12-month term is divided into six 60-day repayment cycles called milestones. Each milestone has a minimum payback amount that must be met by the end of its 60-day cycle. If you don't meet a milestone minimum payback amount, then the difference between the amount you've paid and the milestone minimum payback amount will be debited from your account.
For example, Shopify Capital might loan you $5,000 with a borrowing cost of $650, and a repayment rate of 10%. The $5,000 amount received would be delivered to your business bank account, and Shopify Capital would receive 10% of your daily sales revenue until the $5,650 total owed is repaid at the end of the 12-month term. Each of the loan's six 60-day milestones would have a minimum payback amount of $941 (1/6 of the total owed). If you reached the first 60-day milestone and repaid only $800 through your daily repayments, then the remaining $141 would be debited from your account.
Shopify Capital is offering loan amounts between $200 and $2,000,000. The total owed and daily repayment rate depend on your risk profile.
Request a loan
You can view your funding options and request a loan directly from the Capital page of your Shopify admin.
From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Capital.
Find the eligibility message from Shopify Capital, and then click View funding offers.
On the Capital page, you'll see three funding options. Compare the terms of the funding options, and click Request beneath the one that you want.
The terms of each option will include the amount received, the total owed, and the daily repayment rate that will be deducted from your daily sales and repaid to Shopify Capital.
In the Review and accept terms dialog, carefully review the Terms and conditions section, and then click Shopify Capital Agreement to open it in another browser tab.
Carefully review the terms of the Shopify Capital Agreement. If you agree with the terms, then go back to the Review and accept terms dialog, and click Accept terms.
Your request will be reviewed by Shopify Capital, and you'll hear whether you've been approved within 2-5 business days. If you're approved, then your loan will be delivered to your business bank account.
fy Capital will begin debiting the daily repayment from your business bank account based on your sales revenue each day.Keep track of your loan repayments
After receiving your loan, you can track the remaining balance of your total owed from the Capital page of your Shopify admin under Shopify Capital.
From the Capital page, you can view the following repayment information:
The remaining balance of the total owed.
The amount of the total owed that has been repaid.
The transfer history of repayments.
In the transfer history section of the report, the Total sales column shows each day's sales revenue, and the Amount column shows how much of that revenue is repaid to Shopify Capital.