当您通过 Shopify 销售产品时,您需要遵守适用于您的业务的消费者保护法律和法规。消费者保护法律可维护消费者权益和公共安全。这些法律和法规具体取决于您商店的所在地区以及您销售产品的地区。请使用本页面的信息了解可能适用于您业务的一些消费者保护法律。
当您通过 Shopify 销售产品时,您需要遵守适用于您的业务的消费者保护法律和法规。消费者保护法律可维护消费者权益和公共安全。这些法律和法规具体取决于您商店的所在地区以及您销售产品的地区。请使用本页面的信息了解可能适用于您业务的一些消费者保护法律。
您可以通过在多个管辖区销售产品来拓展业务并触达新客户。为确保顺利使用 商店,请确保您遵守您经营业务所在的任何管辖区的消费者保护法律。
的 2000/31/EC 号指令)Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices(关于不正当商业做法的 2005/29/EC 号指令)
Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights(关于消费者权利的 2011/83/EU 号指令)
Directive 2019/771/EU on conformity for goods(关于商品符合性的 2019/771/EU 号指令)
根据 Shopify 服务条款,您必须在您的在线商店中提供准确、面向大众且易于访问的最新退款政策信息。
Directive 1999/44/EC on certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees(关于销售消费品和相关担保的某些方面的 1999/44/EC 号指令)
Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights(关于消费者权利的 2011/83/EU 号指令)
在 Shopify 服务条款下,您必须添加有关订单发货和配送的信息和任何其他相关注意事项,例如预计的时间表。在客户完成购买之前,客户应清楚了解订单的送达时间。
[可选] 如果您使用代发货或其他第三方服务来为订单发货,则建议告知客户产品将由第三方从其他地点发货。
Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices(关于不正当商业做法的 2005/29/EC 号指令)
Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights(关于消费者权利的 2011/83/EU 号指令)
Consumer protection laws
When you sell products through Shopify, you need to comply with the consumer protection laws and regulations that apply to your business. Consumer protection laws promote consumer rights and public safety. These laws and regulations depend on the region where your store is located and the region where you sell. Use the information on this page to learn about some consumer protection laws that might apply to your business.
You can grow your business and reach new customers by selling your products in several jurisdictions. To ensure uninterrupted use of your Shopify store, ensure you're following consumer protection laws in any jurisdiction where you conduct business.
priately. This content doesn't contain and isn't meant to provide legal advice.You should consult your own legal counsel to determine how the laws in your region and the region in which you sell might affect your business. To sell products using the Shopify platform, you must comply with the laws of the jurisdiction of your business and your customers, the Shopify Terms of Service, the Shopify Acptable Use Policy, and any other applicable policies.
Contact information
Under the Shopify Terms of Service, you must provide current and accurate contact information on your online store. This information includes:
Your business name
An email address and phone number (if available) where customers can contact you with any questions, complaints, or claims
The physical address for your business
Your contact information needs to be public-facing and easy to access.
You can add store policies, or you can add a Contact Us page to your online store.
Shopify offers free policy generator tools and resources so that you can easily create the following policies for your website:
custom terms of service
privacy policy
refund policy
shipping policy
Contact information for European stores
If you're a merchant located in or selling to consumers in Europe, then European laws also apply to you. You're also required to include your company number and Value-Added Tax (VAT) number on your online store.
If a claim is handled by phone, then you can't charge the customer more than basic rates. Before you sell to consumers in Europe, review applicable consumer protection regulations such as the following directives:
Directive 2000/31/EC on electronic commerce
Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices
Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights
Directive 2019/771/EU on conformity for goods
Refund policy
Under the Shopify Terms of Service, you must provide current, accurate, public-facing, and easy-to-access information about your refund policy on your online store.
Your refund policy should include the following information:
The time in which a product must be returned.
The address where a return needs to be sent.
Information about the cost of returning a product, and who pays for the return.
Information about how the time to get a refund might depend on where the customer lives in relation to your location.
Contact information a customer can use to contact you if they don't receive a refund in a timely manner.
Learn more about adding store policies, such as a refund, privacy, terms of service, shipping, or legal store policy, to your online store.
Refund policy for European stores
If you're a merchant located in or selling to consumers in Europe, then European laws also apply to you. In your refund policy, you must provide European consumers with information about their basic rights, including the right to withdrawal and conformity of goods.
Before you sell to consumers in Europe, review applicable consumer protection regulations such as the following directives:
Directive 1999/44/EC on certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees
Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights
Order fulfillment and delivery
Under the Shopify Terms of Service, you must add information about order fulfillment, delivery, and any other relevant considerations, such as estimated shipping timelines. Before your customer completes a purchase, it should be clear to them how long it'll take for their order to arrive.
You should communicate the following information to your customers:
If there's a change or delay to a customer’s order.
If import fees or customs charges might be imposed because the customer is located in a country different from where you're shipping products.
[Optional] If you use dropshipping or another third-party service to fulfill orders, then it's good practice to tell your customers that products will be shipped by a third-party from a different location.
Order fulfillment and delivery for European stores
Before you sell to consumers in Europe, review applicable regulations related to order fulfillment, shipping information, and the disclosure of import or customs charges, such as the following directives:
Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices
Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights