CCPA 规定的“销售”具有广泛的定义,包括出于金钱或其他价值考量交换个人信息。Shopify 坚信您不会在使用 Shopify 的服务运营商店时向 Shopify 出售客户的个人信息。作为服务提供商,Shopify 仅使用信息提供服务(参见我们数据处理附录的 2.2.1 节)。CCPA 明确指出,向服务提供商披露信息不属于销售行为。
CCPA 规定的“销售”具有广泛的定义,包括出于金钱或其他价值考量交换个人信息。Shopify 坚信您不会在使用 Shopify 的服务运营商店时向 Shopify 出售客户的个人信息。作为服务提供商, 仅使用信息提供服务(参见我们处理附录的 2.2.1 节)。CCPA 明确指出,向服务提供商披露信息不属于销售行为。
请考虑您使用的任何其他或应用,以及您将加州消费者的个人信息转让给他们是否属于 CCPA 定义的销售行为。
有关详细信息,请下载 Shopify 的 CCPA 白皮书(英文版)。
Shopify 对销售个人信息的立场
Shopify 坚决不会销售 CCPA 中定义的销售消费者个人信息。为提供服务,Shopify 可能会与其他服务提供商共享信息。例如,为提供部分服务,Shofy 使用云存储提供商来存储信息。这些服务提供商受合同约束,仅可执行请求的服务,不得出于己方目的使用信息或继续共享信息。由于 Shopify 坚决不会销售个人信息,因此您无需选择停止销售您自己或您客户的个人信息。
有关 Shopify 的 CCPA 立场的详细信息,请下载 Shopify 的 CCPA 白皮书(英文版)。
Sale of personal information
Under the CCPA, "sale" is defined broadly to include any exchange of personal information for either money or other valuable consideration. Shopify does not believe that you are selling your customers’ personal information to Shopify when you use its services to run your store. Shopify operates as a service provider and uses the information only to provide its services (see section 2.2.1 of our Data cessing Addendum). The CCPA is clear that disclosures to service providers are not sales.
Think about whether you use any other vendors or apps and whether your transfer of Californian consumers’ personal information to them is a sale under the CCPA.
For more information, download Shopify's CCPA whitepaper (in English).
Shopify’s position on sale of personal information
Shopify does not believe that it sells consumer personal information under the CCPA. To provide its services, Shopify might share information with other service providers. For example, Shopify provides its service in part by storing information with its cloud storage providers. These service providers are bound by contract to perform only the services requested, and prevented from using the information for their own purposes or sharing it any further. Because Shopify does not believe that it sells personal information, it's not necessary for you to opt out of the sale of your or your customers' personal information.
Merchants and partners should consider whether they sell personal information and need to offer an opt-out of sale.
For more information on Shopify’s CCPA position, download Shopify's CCPA whitepaper (in English).