REACH 是一项针对化学品及其安全使用的欧洲法规。它涉及到化学物质的注册、评估、授权和限制。根据 REACH 法规,制造商和进口商可能需要从事的其中一项工作是,收集其商品中所含化学物质的特定属性信息,然后在欧洲化学品管理局 (ECHA) 的中央数据库中登记该信息。
REACH 是一项针对化学品及其安全使用的欧洲法规。它涉及到化学物质的注册、评估、授权和限制。根据 REACH 法规,制造商和进口商可能需要从事的其中一项工作是,收集其商品中所含化学物质的特定属性信息,然后在欧洲化学品管理局 (ECHA) 的中央数据库中登记该信息。
除了 REACH 之外,您的商品可能还需要遵守《物质和混合物分类、标签和包装法规》(CLP 法规)。CLP 法规中涉及的分类标准和贴标规则与联合国的《全球化学品统一分类和标签制度》(GHS) 一致。GHS 所基于的原则是,同一危害品在全球范围内的描述和标签都应该保持一致。
欧洲 | 化学品无处不在 | 英语 |
欧洲化学品管理局 | 英语 | |
德国 | 德国 REACH-CLP 服务中心 | 英语 |
化学制品 | 德语 | |
法国 | REACH: Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie | 法语 |
意大利 | REACH: Ministero dell'Ambiente(环境部) | 意大利语 |
西班牙 | REACH-CLP | 西班牙语 |
如果您正在销售电气或电子设备,可能需要遵守欧盟有关危险品使用限制 (RoHS) 及电气和/或电子设备 (WEEE) 废品收集和回收的法规。
以下是您可能要遵守的 WEEE 法规要求:
在您销售相关商品的任意欧盟成员国,加入经授权的 WEEE 回收再利用计划。
欧盟 | WEEE 指令修订版 | 英语 |
英国 | 电气与电子设备 (EEE) | 英语 |
德国 | Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräte Register | 德语 |
法国 | DEEE: Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie | 法语 |
意大利 | Centro Di Coordinamento RAEE(废弃电气装置登记处) | 意大利语 |
西班牙 | Registro de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos(电气和电子设备登记处) | 西班牙语 |
欧盟 | 欧盟委员会: 电池 | 英语 |
英国 | 环境署: 电池 | 英语 |
德国 | Bundesumweltamt BattG-Melderegister | 德语 |
法国 | Filières de responsabilité élargie du producteur (ERP)(延伸生产者责任部) | 法语 |
意大利 | Ministero dell'Ambiente(环境部) | 意大利语 |
西班牙 | Registro de pilas y acumuladores(电池和蓄电池登记处) | 西班牙语 |
欧盟 | 包装与包装废弃物 | 英语 |
英国 | 生产者责任 | 英语 |
德国 | 废弃物 | 资源 | 德语 |
IXPOS 进口法规 | 英语 | |
法国 | 包装 | 法语 |
意大利 | Ministero dell'Ambiente(环境部) | 意大利语 |
西班牙 | 包装管理 | 英语 |
欧洲 | 电源插座和适配器插头国际汇总 | 英语 |
英国 | DTI: 产品标准 | 英语 |
法国 | Legifrance - Retour à l'accueil(生态、可持续发展和能源部关于电子电气设备兼容性的指令) | 法语 |
德国 | IEC - Stecker & Steckdosen(国际电工委员会 - 插头和插座) | 英语 |
Verordnung über die Bereitstellung elektrischer Betriebsmittel zur Verwendung innerhalb bestimmter Spannungsgrenzen auf dem Markt (1.ProdSV)(联邦劳动和社会福利部,关于用于特定电压范围的电气装置的市场配置管理) | 德语 | |
意大利 | Testata MSE(经济发展部) | 意大利语 |
西班牙 | 激光测量产品 | 西班牙语 |
欧洲 | 玩具安全 | 英语 |
英国 | DTI 玩具安全 | 英语 |
德国 | BMEL - 产品安全 | 英语 |
Sicheres Spielzeug(玩具安全) | 德语 | |
法国 | La sécurité des jouets(玩具安全) | 法语 |
意大利 | Ministry of Health on Toys(玩具安全指令) | 意大利语 |
西班牙 | La Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Juguetes (AEFJ)(西班牙玩具制造商协会) | 西班牙语 |
欧洲 | 欧洲法规概述 | 英语 |
医疗器械 | 英语 | |
英国 | 医药与保健:法规 | 英语 |
德国 | BFARM - 医疗器械 | 英语 |
法国 | ANSM: dispositifs médicaux(国家药品与健康产品安全局:医疗器械相关信息) | 法语 |
意大利 | Informazioni generali sugli avvisi di sicurezza - FSN (Field Safety Notice)(关于安全警告的一般规定 - 现场安全提示) | 意大利语 |
西班牙 | AEMPS - 医疗器械 | 西班牙语 |
欧洲 | 药品和化妆品 | 英语 |
化妆品 | 英语 | |
英国 | 医药和医疗器械规范 | 英语 |
德国 | BFARM - 药品 | 英语 |
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit - Arzneimitteldaten Zentral und Transparent | 德语 | |
法国 | ANSM: produits cosmétiques(国家药品与健康产品安全局:化妆品信息 | 法语 |
ANSM: medicaments(国家药品与健康产品安全局:药品信息) | 法语 | |
意大利 | Informazioni generali sugli avvisi di sicurezza - FSN (Field Safety Notice)(关于安全警告的一般规定 - 现场安全提示) | 意大利语 |
西班牙 | Plan de Calidad para el Sistema Nacional de Salud(国家保健系统质量计划) | 西班牙语 |
欧洲 | 欧洲: 食品安全 | 英语 |
欧洲: 健康与消费者保护 — 食品 | 英语 | |
欧洲食品安全局 | 英语 | |
英国 | 食品标准局 | 英语 |
德国 | FMFA - 食品 | 英语 |
BLL - Kennzeichnung(德国食品法和食品科学联合会 - 食品标签) | 德语 | |
法国 | ANSES(法国食品、环境及职业卫生健康安全局) | 法语 |
DGCCRF(竞争、消费和反欺诈总局) | 法语 | |
意大利 | Alimenti(食品) | 意大利语 |
西班牙 | Alimentación(食品) | 西班牙语 |
More: 请参阅英国进口商品限制列表。
除一些例外情况外,如果欧盟的买家一次性在线购买了多件商品,但是每件商品单独发货,则买家有权在收到订单中最后一件商品后的 14 天内取消购买订单中的任一件商品。即使您没有任何过错,也必须对此商品办理退款并承担运费。您无须退回所有费用,除非下列任何一种情况属实:
请注意,这些消费者权利是您与亚马逊达成(例如 30 天退货保证)或直接与消费者达成的合约性退货权利之外的附加权利。
欧洲 | 消费者权利指令 | 英语 |
英国 | 英国在线和远程销售业务 | 英语 |
德国 | Verbraucherportal | 德语 |
法国 | Loi consommation: e-commerce(消费者法:) | 法语 |
Achat à distance: droit de rétractation du consommateur(远程购买:消费者撤销权) | ||
意大利 | 消费者权利规则 | 意大利语 |
消费者权利信息材料 | ||
西班牙 | Derechos básicos de los consumidores(消费者基本权利) | 西班牙语 |
根据欧盟消费者保护规则,商品卖家在欧盟销售时必须提供 2 年法律保证。这意味着,在商品送达后的 2 年内,您必须对有缺陷的商品进行维修、更换或赔偿。大部分欧盟成员国会假定商品送达后 6 个月内出现的任何明显缺陷为在送达时既已存在,因此您必须负责维修、更换或赔偿。6 个月后,在大多数欧盟成员国境内(法国除外),您可以要求买家证明商品在送达时已存在缺陷。您可以在以下欧盟委员会链接中找到有关法律保证的更多信息。
欧洲 | 销售和保证 | 英语 |
英国 | 英国在线和远程销售业务 | 英语 |
德国 | Verbraucherportal | 德语 |
法国 | Achat à distance: livraison du bien ou exécution de la prestation(采购:货物交付或远程执行服务) | 法语 |
Garantie légale de conformité(符合法律保障) | ||
意大利 | 法律保证指南 | 意大利语 |
西班牙 | Derechos básicos de los consumidores(消费者基本权利) | 西班牙语 |
Environment, health and safety
Chemicals - REACH/CLP
REACH is the European regulation on chemicals and their safe use. It deals with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances. Under the REACH regulation, one of the things manufacturers and importers may be required to do is to gather certain information on the properties of the chemical substances in their products, and to register the information in a central database run by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
In addition to REACH, the Regulation for Classification, Labeling, and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (CLP Regulation) may apply to your products. The CLP Regulation incorporates the classification criteria and labeling rules agreed at the United Nations level, the so-called Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is based on the principle that the same hazards should be described and labeled in the same way all around the world.
Europe Chemicals are everywhere English European Chemicals Agency English Germany German REACH-CLP Helpdesk English Chemikalien German France REACH: Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie French Italy REACH: Ministero dell'Ambiente Italian Spain REACH-CLP Spanish If you are selling electrical or electronic equipment, you may be subject to the EU legislation concerning Restrictions of the Use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and/or the collection and recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
Some requirements of the WEEE regulations that you may be subject to:
Display the "crossed-out wheeled bin" symBol on your products. The symbol indicates that the product should not be disposed of as normal waste, but rather in specific recycling centers.
Join an authorized WEEE collection and recycling scheme in any EU member state in which you sell applicable products.
EU Recast of the WEEE Directive English United Kingdom Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) English Germany Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräte Register German France DEEE: Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie French Italy Centro Di Coordinamento RAEE Italian Spain Registro de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos Spanish If you sell batteries or products that contain batteries, you may be subject to the Battery Directive. The Battery Directive imposes specific obligations on producers and distributors of batteries.
Some requirements you may be subject:
Display the "crossed-out wheeled bin" symbol on your batteries. The symbol indicates that the battery should not be disposed of as normal waste, but rather in specific recycling centers.
Join an authorized battery collection and recycling scheme in any European member state in which you sell your batteries.
EU European Commission: Batteries English United Kingdom Environment Agency: Batteries English Germany Bundesumweltamt BattG-Melderegister German France Filières de responsabilité élargie du producteur (REP) French Italy Ministero dell'Ambiente Italian Spain Registro de pilas y acumuladores Spanish Packaged products you sell in the EU must comply with the European Packaging and Packaging Waste regulations.
Some requirements you may be subject to:
Join an authorized packaging collection and recycling scheme in any European member state in which you sell your products.
Display recycling symbols on your packaging (for example, the "green dot" symbol).
The EU Packaging and Packaging Waste English United Kingdom Producer responsibility English Germany Abfall | Ressourcen German IXPOS Import Regulations English France Les emballages French Italy Ministero dell'Ambiente Italian Spain Management of Packaging English Plugs and voltage
Countries in Europe use different types of plugs-for instance, the U.K. 3-pin rectangular plug and the continental European 2-pin round plug. In addition, products you import into the EU might work on a different voltage.
Please ensure that you comply with the regulations on plugs and voltage in any EU member state in which you list your products. In particular, your customers should be able to safely use your products. .
Europe Electrical Outlet and Adapter Plug International Summary English United Kingdom DTI: PRODUCT STANDARDS English France Legifrance - Retour à l'accueil French Germany IEC - Stecker & Steckdosen English Verordnung über die Bereitstellung elektrischer Betriebsmittel zur Verwendung innerhalb bestimmter Spannungsgrenzen auf dem Markt (1.ProdSV) German Italy Testata MSE Italian Spain Laser Measurement Product Spanish The European Toys Safety Directive requires, among others things, that it must be possible to use a toy without any danger to one's health or safety during the toy's foreseeable and normal period of use. You may also be required to place warnings on the products that specify the appropriate conditions and limitations of use.
Europe The safety of toys English United Kingdom DTI Toy Safety English Germany BMEL - Product Safety English Sicheres Spielzeug German France La sécurité des jouets French Italy Ministry of Health on Toys Italian Spain La Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Juguetes (AEFJ) Spanish Medical devices range from simple products like bandages to the most sophisticated life-supporting products. If your product is considered a medical device, you may be subject to the European Medical Devices Directive. The Directive requires, among other things, that medical devices shall not compromise the safety and health of patients, or users and other persons when properly implanted, maintained, and used.
Europe Summaries of European Legislation English Medical devices English United Kingdom Healthcare and medical: international trade regulations English Germany BFARM - Medical Devices English France ANSM: dispositifs médicaux French Italy Informazioni generali sugli avvisi di sicurezza - FSN (Field Safety Notice) Italian Spain AEMPS-Medical Devices Spanish Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics are subject to various regulations in Europe, including special labeling and packaging requirements. The regulations are only partially harmonized. For example, a product may be sold over-the-counter in some European member states, while in others it may only be legally sold in pharmacies.
Europe Pharmaceutical and cosmetic products English Cosmetics English United Kingdom Regulating Medicines and Medical Devices English Germany BFARM - Medicinal Products English Bundesministerium für Gesundheit - Arzneimitteldaten Zentral und Transparent German France ANSM: produits cosmétiques French ANSM: medicaments French Italy Informazioni generali sugli avvisi di sicurezza - FSN (Field Safety Notice) Italian Spain Plan de Calidad para el Sistema Nacional de Salud Spanish Food and food products are subject to many regulations in Europe. European food regulations in particular aim at establishing high-quality standards for food and food product hygiene, animal health and welfare, and plant health, and prevent the risk of contamination from external substances.
European food regulations include, among many other things, the following:
Specifying rules on appropriate labeling for food products. Often product labeling is required to be in the language of the European member state where the product is sold.
Establishing mandatory refund and recycling schemes for beverage packaging in several European member states.
You can find more information at the following links:
Europe Europa: Food Safety English Europa: Health and Consumers - Food English European Food Safety Authority English United Kingdom Food Standards Agency English Germany FMFA - Food English BLL - Kennzeichnung German France ANSES French DGCCRF French Italy Alimenti Italian Spain Alimentación Spanish More: See a list of restricted products for import into the United Kingdom.
Consumer rights
Please note that these consumer rights are described for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute any legal advice or substitute for any contractual obligation that you may have agreed upon with Amazon or directly with the consumer.
With some exceptions, consumers in the European Union have the right to cancel a purchase of a product bought online within 14 days of receiving the final item of the order, if they purchased multiple items together that were delivered separately. Even when there is no error from your side, you must refund the item and the shipping costs. You may not have to refund all costs unless one of the following is true:
There is an error on your side.
You agreed to bear all costs for the consumer.
You failed to disclose or inform the customer about the costs that you are legally required to disclose.
For example, you must refund the normal cost of sending the item to the consumer but not any extra costs for services that the customer chooses, such as expedited delivery or gift-wrapping. Similarly, when you expressly inform the consumer, you don't have to bear the cost of returning the product to you.
Please note that these consumer rights are in addition to any contractual return rights that you may have agreed upon with Amazon (e.g. 30-day return guarantee) or directly with the consumer.
Europe The Directive on Consumer Rights English United Kingdom UK online and distance selling for business English Germany Verbrauchortal German France Loi consommation : e-commerce French Achat à distance: droit de rétractation du consommateur Italy Decalogue on consumer rights Italian Consumer rights information materials Spain Derechos básicos de los consumidores Spanish Under EU consumer protection rules, the seller of a product must offer a 2-year Legal Warranty when selling in the EU. This means that, during the period of 2 years from the delivery of the product, you must repair, exchange or reimburse a defective product. In most EU countries, any defect that becomes apparent within 6 months from delivery is presumed to have existed at the time of delivery and therefore you must repair, exchange or reimburse it. After 6 months, in most EU countries (France excluded), you can request the customer to prove that the defect already existed at the time of delivery. You can find more information regarding the Legal Warranty in the following link from the European Commission.
This Legal Warranty obligation is in addition to your obligation to process customer returns according to Amazon Return Policy.
Europe Sales and Guarantees English United Kingdom UK online and distance selling for business English Germany Verbrauchortal German France Achat à distance: livraison du bien ou exécution de la prestation French Garantie légale de conformité Italy Guidelines on legal warranty Italian Spain Derechos básicos de los consumidores Spanish