图片在商品搜索页面和商品详情页面显示。 专业的图片有助于买家搜索到您的商品,提高商品详情的浏览量。
图片在商品搜索页面和商品详情页面显示。 专业的图片有助于买家搜索到您的商品,提高商品详情的浏览量。
为买家显示他们将收到的商品(且仅显示他们会收到的)。 使用清晰、高质量的图片(能够准确显示您所提供的东西)方便买家识别您的商品。
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注意: 缩放功能
图片在高度或宽度上应为 1,000 像素或更大。达到这个最小尺寸要求,即可在网站上实现缩放功能。经证实,缩放功能可提高销量。文件长边的最小像素是 500。
Images in Lighting
Images display on the product search page and the product detail page. A professional image helps customers discover your product and can drive traffic to your product listings.Show customers what they will receive in their shipment (and only what they will receive). Make it easy for them to identify your product with a clear, high-quality image displaying exactly what you're offering.
Use simple and clean backgrounds that do not distract from the product; ideally, the background is pure white.
Product images should be at least 1,000-dpi; however, 3,000-dpi images are preferred.
Product images should be in color, not black and white.
Show the entire product. The product should occupy at least 80 percent of the image area.
Include only what the customer will receive; accessories that are not part of the product should not be shown.
If it is a bundled product, it is not necessary to show the entire LOT of items; a single image of the product will suffice.
Multiple angles of each product are preferred.
If the product is white, use a drop shadow to offset it.
Brand tags or packaging in any of the images
Images of second hand or slightly used products
Borders, watermarks, text, or other decorations
Sketches / drawings of the product – real images only
Colored backgrounds or lifestyle pictures, except in cases of prepared food products.
Other products, items or accessories that are not part of the product listing; only include exactly what the customer is buying
Image place holders (i.e., temporary images or "no image available")
Image containing graphs of product ratings
Promotional text such as "sale" or "free ship" (use the Promotions tool instead)
Note: Zoom Functionality
Images should be 1,000 pixels or larger in either height or width. This minimum size requirement enables zoom function on the website. Zoom has proven to enhance sales. The smallest your file can be is 500 pixels on the longest side.Examples of good images
Additional Images
Alternate images should feature the product in use and close-ups of important features.
Examples of good images: