如果您的现有库存在特定月份超出了仓储限制,那么除了月度库存仓储费和长期仓储费(如适用)之外,您还需要支付【库存仓储超量费】。仓储超量费取决于超出仓储限制额度的天数。即使后来您的库存水平降回到当月分配的仓储限制额度之内,也仍然需要支付该费用。仓储超量费将按照每立方英尺 $10 的标准每月收取一次,并基于您的库存在亚马逊运营中心占用的超出仓储限制额度的所有空间的日平均体积(以立方英尺
如果您的现有库存在特定月份超出了仓储限制,那么除了月度库存仓储费和长期仓储费(如适用)之外,您还需要支付【库存仓储超量费】。仓储超量费取决于超出仓储限制额度的天数。即使后来您的库存水平降回到当月分配的仓储限制额度之内,也仍然需要支付该费用。仓储超量费将按照每立方英尺 $10 的标准每月收取一次,并基于您的库存在中心占用的超出仓储限制额度的所有空间的日平均体积(以立方英尺为单位)计算。有关更多信息,请访问亚马逊物流库存仓储限制。
事件及示例日期 | 示例值 | |
7 月 1 日产生库存仓储超量费 | ||
卖家的库存超出其标准尺寸商品仓储限制 100 立方英尺,如果他们不采取任何措施的话,将需要按每立方英尺 $10 的价格支付超量费(总计为 $1,000,亚马逊将在 8 月份进行评估和收取)。 | 标准尺寸商品仓储限制额度 | 1,000 立方英尺 |
现有标准尺寸商品库存占用的空间 | 1,100 立方英尺 | |
目前标准尺寸商品的超量值 | 100 立方英尺 | |
潜在仓储超量费 | $1,000 | |
卖家在 7 月 5 日减少了超出限制的库存 | ||
卖家在 7 月 5 日创建了一个 80 立方英尺标准尺寸库存的移除订单。7 月内未售出或移除其他任何标准尺寸商品库存。 | 标准尺寸商品仓储的超量值,7 月 1 日到 4 日 | 100 立方英尺 |
标准尺寸商品仓储的移除值,7 月 5 日 | 80 立方英尺 | |
标准尺寸商品仓储的超量值,7 月 5 日到 31 日 | 20 立方英尺 | |
8 月生成库存仓储超量费账单 | ||
卖家在 7 月的平均超量值是 30.322 立方英尺。他们将需要按每立方英尺 $10 为 7 月份支付总共 $303.22 的超量费。 | 7 月份平均标准尺寸商品仓储的超量值 | 30.322 |
每立方英尺的仓储超量费 | $10 | |
7 月份仓储超量费总计 | $303.22 |
下载标题 | 描述 | 示例值 |
charged_date | 使用量超出限制额度并产生预计费用的日期。格式为“月-日-年”。 | 8/1/2020 |
country_code | 出现超量使用仓储空间情况的国家/地区。 | 美国 |
storage_type | 使用量超出限制额度并产生预计费用的仓储类型。请注意 sortable 与标准尺寸相同。 | Sortable or Non_Sortable |
charge_rate | 某种仓储类型的每月库存仓储超量费的费率。 | 10.00 |
storage_usage_volume | 收费日期的仓储用量。这适用于使用量超出限制额度并产生预计费用的仓储类型。 | 600 |
storage_limit_volume | 使用量超出限制额度并产生预计费用的仓储类型的仓储限制额度。 | 500 |
overage_volume | 在收费日期超出相应仓储类型的限制额度的仓储用量。 | 100 |
volume_unit | 仓储限制额度、使用量和超量值的计量单位。 | 立方英尺 |
charged_fee_amount | 特定仓储类型在收费日期产生的预计库存仓储超量费金额。 | 32.26 |
currency_code | 仓储超量费使用的货币。 | 美元 |
预计的月度超量费 =(当前超量值 x 每日超量费率 x 月剩余收费天数) + 截至目前产生的月度超量费
当前超量值 = 当前使用量 - 当前限制量
每日超量费率 = $10/当月天数
月剩余收费天数 = 当前月份天数 - 当日日期数值 + 1
标准尺寸商品仓储限制值 = 100 立方英尺
库存 = 110 立方英尺
今天 = 7 月 12 日
当月收费天数 = 31 - 12+1 = 20
每日超量费率 = $10/31 = $0.322581
当前超量值 = 10 立方英尺
截至目前产生的月度超量费 = $50(第 1-11 天已经产生的超量费)
预计的月度超量费 = (10 * $0.322581 x 20) + $50 = $114.5162
重要: 当您的库存在本月产生超量费时,此估算值适用于所有仓储类型。这是假定未针对当前超出仓储限制的库存采取任何措施的情况下预计的月度超量费。预计值应仅用于参考目的。应付费用将在每月结束后确定。
长 x 宽 x 高(以英寸为单位)得出体积。
用体积数除以 1,728,得出 12 立方英寸。
示例:将 47 英寸 x 12 英寸 x 10 英寸所得的值除以 1,728 = 3.3 立方英尺。
当前使用量是从现有库存中减去所有待移除库存得出的实时数据。亚马逊物流库龄页面提供了所有在售的亚马逊物流商品列表,其中标注了商品的仓储类型(标准尺寸、大件、服装、鞋靴、易燃物或气溶胶),以及 ASIN 占用的空间体积(在售商品数量 x 每件商品的体积 = 立方米)。您也可通过库龄报告获取此信息。
当前使用量值是实时的数据源,而库龄报告数据可能因数据处理时间而延迟最多 72 小时。
如果某个月份产生了库存仓储超量费,亚马逊将在该月结束后收取这笔费用。例如,假设您在 7 月 1 日超出了仓储限制额度,并在 7 月 5 日之前移除部分库存,使库存水平降回到仓储限制额度之内。在 8 月 1 日,您将需要为超出 7 月份限制量的 4 天缴纳超量费。
FBA inventory storage overage fees
If your existing inventory exceeds your storage limits for a given month, you will be charged an inventory storage overage fee in addition to monthly inventory storage fees and, if applicable, long-term storage fees. The overage fee is based on how many days your storage limits are exceeded. This charge will occur even if your inventory is subsequently reduced to a level below your storage limits allocated for that month. It will be charged monthly at $10 per cubic foot based on the daily average volume (measured in cubic feet) for any space your inventory occupies in Amazon fulfillment centers beyond your storage limits. For more information, visit FBA inventory storage limits.
The volume measurement is based on unit size when properly packaged and ready to ship in accordance with policies and requirements. Amazon reserves the right to measure or weigh packaged units or representative samples and to determine the storage type. In the event of any conflict between an Amazon measurement and information provided by the seller, Amazon's measurement will govern.
Timeline and example
The following example illustrates how this fee is assessed and charged:
Event with sample date Sample values Inventory storage overage fee accrues on July 1 The seller’s inventory exceeds their standard-size storage limit by 100 cubic feet, so they will incur an overage fee of $10 per cubic foot, or $1,000 total, if no action is taken (to be assessed and charged in August). Standard-size storage limit 1,000 cubic feet Space taken by existing standard-size inventory 1,100 cubic feet Current standard-size overage 100 cubic feet Potential storage overage fee $1,000 Seller reduces inventory exceeding limit on July 5 The seller creates a removal order for 80 cubic feet of standard-size inventory on July 5. No other standard-size inventory is sold or removed during July. Standard-size overage, July 1 – 4 100 cubic feet Standard-size removal, July 5 80 cubic feet Standard-size overage, July 5 – 31 20 cubic feet Inventory storage overage fee billed in August The July seller’s average overage was 30.322 cubic feet. They will be charged $10 per cubic foot for a July total of $303.22. July average standard-size overage 30.322 Storage overage fee per cubic foot $10 Total July storage overage fee $303.22
Determining storage limit status
You can check if you are over your limit at any time by viewing the Storage Monitor on the Inventory Performance dashboard or in the Shipping Queue. You will see an alert icon if you are over your limit. If you are over your limit, you can calculate your current overage for that storage type by subtracting your current usage from your current storage limit. We will also send you weekly alerts if you are over your limit for each storage type and you will incur inventory storage overage fees.
Inventory storage overage fees report
The Inventory storage overage fees report provides the inventory storage overage fees for each storage type and day your inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers exceeded your storage limits. This month-end report is available for download starting the second day of the following month. It is available from the Reports menu by selecting Fulfillment and on the resulting page selecting Inventory storage overage fees under Payments on the left.
Field names
Download header Description Example value charged_date Date the usage exceeded the limit and when the estimated fee applies. The format is month-day-year. 8/1/2020 country_code Country in which the overage usage occurred. US storage_type Type of storage for which the usage exceeded the limit and an estimated fee applies. Note that sortable is the same as standard-size. Sortable or Non_Sortable charge_rate Monthly inventory storage overage fee rate for a storage type. 10.00 storage_usage_volume Storage usage on the charge date. This applies to the storage type for which usage exceeded the limit and an estimated fee applies. 600 storage_limit_volume Storage limit for the storage type that exceeded its limit and for which an estimated fee applies. 500 overage_volume The volume of storage usage that exceeded the storage-type limit on the charged date. 100 volume_unit Unit of measurement for the storage limit, usage, and overage. cubic feet charged_fee_amount Amount of the inventory storage overage fee that was incurred by this storage type on the charged date. 32.26 currency_code Currency of the overage fee. USD
Calculating the monthly inventory storage overage fee estimate
We provide an estimate of your monthly inventory storage overage fee by storage type using the following formula:
Estimated monthly overage fee = (current overage x daily overage rate x charge days remaining in month) + monthly overage fees incurred to date
Current overage = current usage – current limit
Daily overage rate = $10 / number of days in current month
Charge Days Remaining in Month = number of days in current month – current day number + 1
Standard-size storage limit = 100 cubic feet
Inventory = 110 cubic feet
Today = July 12
Charge days in current month = 31 – 12 + 1 = 20
Daily overage rate = $10 / 31 = $0.322581
Current overage = 10 cubic feet
Monthly overage fees incurred to date = $50 (calculated from overage already incurred in days 1-11)
Estimated monthly overage fee = (10 * $0.322581 x 20) + $50 = $114.5162
Important: This estimate applies to any storage type when your inventory has incurred overage fees in the current month. It is a monthly estimate and assumes that no action has been taken on any inventory that currently exceeds your storage limits. The estimate should be used for reference only. Charges are not finalized until after the end of each month.
Calculating cubic feet from inches
Multiply length x width x height in inches to get the volume.
Divide the volume by 1,728, which is 12 cubic inches.
Example: A unit measuring 47 x 12 x 10 inches divided by 1,728 = 3.3 cubic feet.
Frequently asked questions
How do I know if I am subject to the inventory storage overage fee?
If you have a Professional selling account, you are subject to the overage fee if you have exceeded your current limits for a given storage type by the end of the day for any day in a given month. This charge will occur even if your inventory was subsequently reduced to a level below your storage limits allocated for that month.
How can I determine which SKUs are contributing to my current usage for a storage type?
Current usage is a real-time representation of your on-hand inventory minus any pending removals. FBA Inventory Age provides a list of all of your active FBA listings, along with their storage type (standard-size, oversize, apparel, footwear, flammable, or aerosol) and how much volume the ASIN is taking up (Available units x volume per unit = cubic feet). This information is also available via the Inventory Age report.
While the Inventory Age data is good way to approximate current usage, it may not match your current usage value displayed on the Storage Monitor for a few reasons.
Current usage is a real-time data source, and the Inventory Age report data may be delayed up to 72 hours due to data processing times.
Current usage includes unsellable inventory and excludes any units pending removal, and these values are not included on the Inventory Age and the associated report.
Inventory that does not have an active listing may be counted in current usage (such as stranded inventory).
When will I be charged inventory storage overage fees?
You will be charged applicable inventory storage overage fees after the end of the month in which the fees were incurred. For example, let’s say that you exceeded your storage limit on July 1 and removed inventory to a level below your limit by July 5. On August 1, you would be charged for the four days you were over the limit in July.
Do inventory storage overage fees apply to flammable and aerosol storage?
No, overage fees are not charged if you exceed your flammable or aerosol storage. Overage fees apply only to standard-size, oversize, apparel, and footwear storage types.